Thursday, January 15, 2009

Around the Globe...

Well you know we are down here in sunny Cabo and you know what type of species we catch, but we think about you all in your different locations over the globe and what you do for fishing when you can’t be here….so we thought this was interesting and wanted to share this with you.

Got Fish!!!! Ontario Fish Story (a big one!)

FYI: This Sturgeon is Still alive , just worn out from the fight.
They turned him loose after the photo.

This Sturgeon was caught at TWO CREEKS CONSERVATION AREA, Wheatley, ON (at Lake Erie ) 11/19/2007
It weighed out at over 1,000 lbs and measured out at 11'1'. It was 56' around the girth and took over 6 and a half hours, and 4 dozen beers, for the 4 guys taking turns at the reeling
it in.

Any Sturgeon OVER five feet has to be released unharmed and cannot be removed from
the water.

They are brood/breeding stock and probably older than most of us.

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