Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nice wahoo for Emerson Family from Idaho

The Emerson family were thrilled to catch this beautiful wahoo which weighed 38 lbs aboard “La Brisa” on Tuesday June 15th . Many meals will come from this one fish and the meat is about the best you can get, firm, white and no bones. Shown here also are crew members Nicolas Winkler and Salvador Flores……Salvador is particularly good with kids.

Top Anglers - June 15th

Top anglers today were Chris and Sally Wade from Sheffield, England.

They have been travelling for five months and have been all over the world. They considered fishing in New Zealand which is actually home to the largest striped marlin on record; getting up to 495 lbs, but decided Cabo was better value and gave them better odds and they were right……they released three striped marlin today.

Pancho - Pisces P.R

This is Pancho our P.R guy…..he meets anglers at the dock when they get back from fishing and is always available to take any unused bait off of their hands…..the sweet face belies a huge body that hasn’t missed too many meals.

Pancho our friendly local sea-lion, loves to impress with his agility and P.R skills……
Look at those kids faces, they never knew a sea lion was so big!