Monday, October 19, 2009

Hurricane Rick Update #5

Monday October 19th, 3.21 PM

Hurricane Rick is taking it's time....and we can feel a change in the air; it is not as humid and there are some patches of blue sky, peeking through the clouds. Rick continues to decrease in strength as the outer westerly edge hits dry air and maximum winds at this time are 100 MPH, located 325 miles from Cabo. The waves on the Cortez side are still big but they are actually smaller now on the Pacific, than they were this morning, a clear sign that the storm is turning towards the mainland and will probably skirt Cabo giving us Tropical Storm type weather, rather than a hurricane, which is great news. The Bisbee Tournament set to start on Wedenesday will be postponed with fishing taking place Thursday and Friday. Here is the latest photo from our office where you can see that the weather is a bit brighter.

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