April 23th to 30th, 2011
Overall Catch Success Rate 86.05 % for All Species Combined
BILLFISH: We are thrilled to see the marlin catches climb this week - as the waters warm up so does the marlin action. We did have a few skunks, but even then those that did not catch marlin did at least see them, but they were picky and not willing to eat. Despite this SIXTY EIGHT percent of our charters caught striped marlin. “Rebecca” was the top marlin boat this week as they came back with marlin flags every day they went out fishing. Best day was on the 25th for David Kertzman and sons, Andrew and Michael from Seattle, WA with a total of five striped marlin released between 110 to 150 lbs approximately; the fish took live bait caballito and ballyhoos at the 11:50 spot. On the 23rd, “Rebecca” scored big this time with four stripers released for Gerald Richmond from Islamorada, FL; the marlin were released at the same spot on the Sea of Cortez. Next day out Courtney Murphy and Sandy Edmonstone from Calgary, Canada also released four striped marlin between 120 to 150 lbs aboard “La Brisa”; they took a mix of caballito and ballyhoo. We had different boats that had triple marlin days, like “Andrea” on the 25th with three released for a group of guys from Canada and “Adriana” for Ken Ranger, Glenn Brown, Joe Kennedy and Rob Bernard from California and Canada; they released their marlin at the 11:50 spot after hooking them with a mix of green lures and bait. “Tracy Ann” had two triple marlin days, on the 24th for Ron Evenhaim and friends from Los Angeles twenty nine miles from the 11.50 spot. The day before they fished with David Billion and his seven year old son, Max, from Sioux Falls, SD who did well to release their fish in the same area. On the 23rd “Shambala” had a great day for the Canavati family from Monterrey, Mexico with three marlin that took live caballito. We had single and double marlin days too, too numerous to mention them all. Pisces anglers caught a total of 59 striped marlin all released except one.
OTHER SPECIES: Dorado catches are still very quiet, with just a couple on the 23rd aboard “C-Rod” for the Leon de la Barra family from Mexico City; they were also very lucky to release two striped marlin at the hot spot of the week, the 11.50 spot. Yellow tail fishing is the second best bite of the week with twelve percent of our boats catching this tasty fish. On the 28th the Kertzman´s opted to go for the smaller game, after already having five marlin on their score sheet, they went to the Pacific side by the Molino and boated four yellow tail from 10 to 30 lbs as well as releasing a rooster fish; they used rapalas and mullet for the rooster fish. The next day, “C-Rod” had fun on a half day trip for Scott & Blake Lazarus and friends from Long Beach, CA as they reeled in three 20 lb yellowtail and released an impressive50 lbs rooster fish; they took rapalas in front of the desal plant on the Pacific side. On the 28th “Falcon” boated a 30 lb wahoo for Phillip and Anthony Zollars from Scottsdale, AZ which they picked up on the way back to the dock about six miles from Cerro Blanco; earlier in the day they had released a striped marlin at the 11.50 spot; the wahoo took a petrolero lure.
As to other species, we had Spanish mackerel, bonitas, skipjack, needle fish and rooster fish.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Clear, sunny skies with warmer weather at the end of the week. Some windy afternoons.
LOCATION: Pacific Side – Old Lighthouse, Bombas, Cerro de Arena, Cerro Blanco, Molinos
Sea of Cortez – 11:50 Spot
BEST LURES Rapalas, guacamayo, hoochis, green/yellow, green, petrolero, chiliwili, cedar plugs, purple
Live bait: caballito, mullet, ballyhood
Based on the catches of Pisces by Ale Almada & Tracy Ehrenberg.
The Kertzman´s boated four yellow tail from 10 to 30 lbs as well as releasing a rooster fish aboard "Valerie" with captain Roberto Sandez and deckhand Ernesto.