Tracy Ann is already back in port today, she was tied up by 2.30 pm and as you can see from the photo she had happy anglers on board. They proudly backed in with FIVE marlin flags flying. All of their fish were released and took live bait; one took a ballyhoo and the other four took "jurelitos" or greenjacks, they fished three to four miles offshore at Cabeza de Ballena and Cerro Blanco, in other words close to Cabo. The anglers shown in the cockpit are
Mogens Smeel de Calgary Alberta, Ed Cain from
Phoenix, Az, John Staub from Scottsdale, Az. John Courson de Southlake, Tx. and Jack
Matthews from Oak Park, Illinos. Crew shown in the background are Captain Julio up on the bridge and deckhands Fernando and Martin on the engine boxes. Great work guys!